What type of Survey should I carry out?
There are three types of Survey, the Valuation or Condition Survey, the HomeBuyer Survey or a Building Survey.
The Valuation or Condition Survey is the most basic and cheapest of all Surveys and is required by your lender and entails a Surveyor visiting the property to confirm the market value, reinstatement value and report on matters which could affect a lender’s decision to lend. The Valuation Survey is purely for your Mortgage Lender's benefit and will not provide you with the necessary detail which you will need should there be any adverse issues.
What is the homebuyers survey?
The HomeBuyer’s Survey is the mid-tier Survey and will highlight any causes for concern with recommendations for any further action which might be required.
A Full Structural Survey would be recommended if the property being purchased has been extended and there are concerns as to the stability of the extension or if the property is old (typically more than 100 years).
Further Guidance can be found on the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors Website - www.rics.org