Financial cases are always particularly difficult to deal with, which is why you need expert advice along the way. Dividing your finances between one another is a long process, but it doesn’t have to be as complicated as you might imagine. Our family law experts try to make every aspect of these cases as simple as they can be. That is to say that our lawyers will work with you to determine what your rights are. We understand the importance of this are and will do all we can to help you get what you deserve.
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Advice regarding planning for the future
Lasting Powers of Attorney allow you to choose the people you want to make decisions on your behalf if you were to lose mental capacity and become unable to make such decisions.A Lasting Power of Attorney is completed…
Care proceedings
In cases when a child is in danger, it is possible to hold 'care proceedings' on their behalf. The Council can seek to get care orders to ensure that a particular minor is safe. Our divorce experts can help…
Divorce and Children
Frequently when a marriage breaks down there are children involved. There are usually so many different emotions involved during a divorce and the feelings of the children can be overlooked. We are committed to ensuring any children involved are spared…
Do I need a divorce?
This depends on the particular circumstances and the inclination or desire of the husband or wife. Sometimes it helps to pursue a divorce in that it provides closure or a degree of satisfaction. Parties can simply live apart for…